NJ Safe Routes to School (SRTS) is a statewide initiative to encourage students to safely walk and bike to school. New Providence Middle School is a current Gold SRTS Program award winner, recognizing our commitment to safe and sustainable activities for our school and community. Due to community activism, New Providence has received two SRTS grants in the past decade to help address infrastructure improvements. New Providence High School is now able to participate in this program too and our efforts will be included in the upcoming grant application.
The information on this Safe Routes to School page is courtesy of Cecile Seth, Donna Zane and
New Drop Off

This map and drop off / pick up points are suggested routes and alternatives to make traffic flow smoothly and SAFELY. Currently, NPMS hours are 7:55 to 2:40 and NPHS hours are 7:44 to 2:48, and there’s a great deal of activity at those times. There are new drivers heading to the Student Lot, and cars coming from all directions. At no time should you use the OLP parking lot to drop off or pick up students as it interferes with their safety procedures.